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Wildundwald takes you into a world that is so close and yet so unfamiliar to us. You too can discover where wildlife is on the move in the region.
They were once exterminated or pushed to the edge of their habitat. Today, however, beaver, lynx, fox, otter, hare, deer, bear and many other wild animals live in Switzerland again. They have settled down again, made themselves at home with man in their environment. Wildundwald takes you into a world that is so close and yet so unfamiliar to us. Because these animals leave their traces in the midst of us and who is attentive, discovers them. You too can discover where wildlife is on the move in the region. Launched in 2019 by Philip Spillmann, wildundwald has been successfully on the road ever since, guiding 1500 schoolchildren, but also companies, communities, clubs, families through nature. You too can listen to how wild animals live, feed and hunt here.
Offers for schools
For school classes or young people interested in wildlife and forests, wildundwald offers special tours, with level-appropriate information that is conveyed in a playful and entertaining way. On a 1½-hour tour through the field and forest in your area, we go on the trail of wildlife in our region. Philip Spillmann and Peter Brotschi will tell you about their own observations and how fox, deer, lynx & Co. live in our region. If you wish, Wildundwald will come to your classroom with many pictures from their own wildlife camera and illustrative material and tell the class how the animals live in our region, when and where they are on the move and what you should look out for if you want to see them, but also respect them.
Are you a teacher conducting a project on nature and wildlife? Would you like to experience nature in a unique way for your school trip? Would you like to show your students the uniqueness of nature and wildlife? Philip Spillmann will develop a suitable offer according to your requirements. Cost: 190 Swiss francs per tour (2½ hours effort incl. preparation and 1½-hour tour).
Wildundwald, Philip Spillmann
Alpenstrasse 12
4533 Riedholz