Webcams in Solothurn
Sun, rain or fog?
Webcams & weather
These webcams keep you updated on the current weather and forecast for Solothurn and its local mountain, the Weissenstein.
Webcams in Solothurn
Current weather in Solothurn
- 12°C
- 14°C
- 15°C
- 15°C
- 11°C
- 10°C
- 9°C
- 14°C
- 18°C
- 16°C
- 12°C
- 11°C
- 9°C
- 12°C
- 17°C
- 16°C
- 13°C
- 11°C
- 9°C
- 16°C
- 19°C
- 17°C
- 14°C
- 12°C